WELCOME TO OneButton Support
The installation of your OneButton system entitles you to free 24/7 Off-Site Support, provided by our Off-Site Support Team, during the Base Warranty period (12 months from substantial completion).
After this period we offer a monthly OneButton Support Contract at $99/month (per household). The Support Contract is required to receive both On-Site and Off-Site Support from OneButton.
If you have questions or issues with your OneButton system, contact support via:
Email: onebutton@residential.zendesk.com
Chat: https://residential.zendesk.com/hc
Phone: (855) 338-4060
Included in Subscription Services:
Off-Site Support (24/7/365)
Phone, Text, Email or Chat with a technician should an issue arise
Home Support App (24/7/365)
Power cycle connected devices through a mobile app (requires dedicated hardware)
On-Site Support Scheduling (M-F, 8am-6pm)
If an issue cannot be resolved remotely an on-site visit will be scheduled at $225/hr